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Photographs: Under 1K

Monday 17 June 2024 e Tuesday 18 June 2024, 03:00 PM • Milan


Domenico Riccardo Peretti Griva

(1882 - 1962)

Nevica, 1920s

Artist's Resale Right


€ 250 - 500


€ 361

The price includes buyer's premium


Vintage bromoil print
cm 41 x 28 (cm 29 x 24 picture) | 16 x 11 in. (11.4 x 9.4 in. picture)
Titled and signed in pencil on the white recto margin
A singular figure of an all-round intellectual who, as a magistrate, did not apply the racial laws, opposing fascism, which he then fought against by joining the Resistance, and who, in the post-war period, was able to pass a sentence recognising divorce obtained abroad before it became law in Italy, Domenico Riccardo Peretti Griva from Turin was also a photographer of the first order, even if he was not as well known as he deserved. His path is similar to that of Alfred Stieglitz in his early adherence to the aesthetics of pictorialism (emphasised by the beautiful bromolio or pigment prints documented here) and his subsequent transition to straight photography.