Specialist Notes
The recipient of the copy is Giuseppe Emanuele Modigliani (Livorno, 28 October 1872 – Rome, 5 October 1947) an Italian politician, lawyer and anti-fascist. Among other things, he represented the civil party in the trial for the murder of Giacomo Matteotti
"A collection of poems published in 1909, «Revolverate» is a very singular document of the Futurist movement, as well as of the writer's overall work: because, by accentuating in the polemic some clearly libertarian and anti-bourgeois motifs, it expresses in a paradoxical form that attitude of revolt which is in the spirit of the author of «Gian Pietro da Core». FT Marinetti, in a preface, which tries to summarise the polemic of his magazine «Poesia», illustrates the revolutionary value of the book: all the more so since it is due to a writer who for love of individuality loved to consider himself outside and even against the literary tendencies of the Futurist movement. With «just and numbered» «revolverate» the poet wants to destroy the various social bastards, who do not believe in the ideal and give themselves over to vice, from literature to morality to low politics: he therefore reviews the vain rhetorical and insipid types of society, from the young gentleman, to the hero of parade, to the courtesan..." (Carlo Cordié, in: AA.VV., Bompiani Literary Dictionary of Works and Characters of all times and of all literatures , Milan, Bompiani, 1959 - 1966; vol. VI pag. 207).