Specialist Notes
Michiel Colijn is known to have worked as a printer and bookseller in Amsterdam 1608-'37. The first sequence of plates shows civilian customs; the second, religious clothes. Each table includes several figures. All the plates in the first group have captions in Latin, except two in Latin, German and French (pl. 1, 36), two in Latin and French (14, 33), one in German and French (22) and two in French (23, 24). All the copies of the second group are subtitled in Latin, except 14 bis, which is subtitled in Dutch and Latin. For the dating R. Colas suggests "vers 1610". Plate 22 is signed “Ioos de Bosscher excudebat”; and Colas states that there is a variant of the title page in which the imprint has the name of “Joos de Bosscher” instead of that of Michiel Colÿn. Colas also states that this work is a reprint of a book published in 1581, of which, he states, there are also editions with the title, Omnium pene Europae, Asiae, Aphricae et Americae gentium habitus. habits of different nations of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Abraham de Bruÿn excudit ... Michel Colyn, ex.). In the present edition the pl. 24 still bears the date of 1580 and the title page of the division that of 1581; but the pl. 14 bis of the second group bears the date of 1586. Colas, n°475; Lipperheide, n°12; Vinet, n°2087.