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Books, Autographs & Prints

Tuesday 06 December 2022 e Wednesday 07 December 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Fisiognomica - La Chambre, Martin Cureau de

L'Art de connoistre les hommes, 1660


€ 80 - 150


€ 243

The price includes buyer's premium


Amsterdam, Iacques le Jeune [L. and D. Elzevier], 1660. In 12°. Engraved title page, friezes and initials engraved in wood, rare flourishes, contemporary leather binding, traces of the title embossed in gold on the spine with library paper insert, small gaps on the headphones, abrasions, defects. 

Specialist Notes

Médecin ordinaire for King Louis XIV Marin Cureau de la Chambre (1594-1669) was an influential French physician and philosopher. He was among the first members of the Académie Française and of the Académie des Sciences. Famous for his work on physiognomy, his ability to judge human character based on physical appearance aroused great interest especially at court. Of vast culture, he wrote books on philosophy, translated Aristotle's Physics and investigated the optical phenomena of refraction by studying primary and secondary colors. In 1991, the asteroid 7126 Cureau was named after him.

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Legatura - Agostino Aurelio, santo

confessionum, 1631

Estimate € 200 - 300

Starting bid € 200

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