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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 18 November 2020, 10:30 AM • Rome


Viaggi - Egitto - Montulè, Edward de.

Travels in Egypt, 1821


€ 150 - 250


€ 192

The price includes buyer's premium


London, Phillips and Co., 1821. In 8th. 11 aquatint plates (of 12), some of which folded, specimen in beards, some flowering and browning, recent binding in marbled cardboard, gold titles on the spine. § J.V.C. Smith . A pilgrimage to Egypt , embracing a diary of the explorations on the Nile, Boston, Glouc and Lincoln, 1852. In 16 °. Numerous illustrations in the text, scattered blooms, original canvas binding with dry impressions on the plates and gold titles on the spine. § Gray, William. Journal of a visit to Egypt, Constantinople, the Crimea, Greece [...] New York, Harper & amp; Brothers, 1870 and B.M.W. Jesson , Twenty-four strokes of the pen. An egyptian holiday, London, Methuen & amp; co. 1929.

Specialist Notes

Rare illustrated editions & nbsp; dedicated to Egypt.