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venerdì 16 dicembre 2016, ore 10:30 • Roma

Chimica - Macquer, Pierre Joseph

Dictionnaire de chymie, contenant la theorie et la pratique de cette science, son application a la physique, a l'histoire naturelle, a la medecine, 1778


€ 400 - 600

In asta venerdì 16 dicembre 2016 alle ore 15:30

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Parigi, Didot, 1778. In 8°. 4 voll. Legatura coeva in vitello spugnato, tagli marezzati, difetti e mancanze.
Pregevole opera, considerata come la prima trattazione scientifica sulla materia. "Although designiated as the second edition on each title page, this is the fifth appearance of the Dictionnaire in the French language. It is the genuine second edition as written by Marcquer, whose name now appears on the title and whose reputation had by this greatly increased. An important addition is the 168-page article on gas, a topic that was almost entirely new and had not been mentioned in the first edition. While the number of articles remains almost the same, the work, is nearly twice as long owing to the inclusion of an up-to date account of chemistry and much new material." Neville, vol. 2, p. 113.

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