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Their members, dressed in sack tunics and hoods, walked through the neighborhoods of the Superba in occasion of particular religious holidays, reciting prayers and sacred songs. As the centuries passed, from simple tunics we moved on to sumptuous clothing, competing with the richness of the vestments, as can be clearly seen from these tables. In the 18th century there were twenty Confraternities, four for each neighborhood and their processions were very popular and the subject of contention (a bit like the Palio in Siena). The protagonists were the "Brassezei" who held crucifixes more than five meters high and weighing over one hundred kilos, leaning on the crocco (leather case tied at the waist ), to the rhythm and time of music.
The most admired and prestigious Confraternities were named after Saints Giacomo and Leonardo, San Giacomo delle Fucine and S. Antonio Abate della marina. These competed every year to excel over the others in terms of originality, pomp and opulence of the apparatus.The processional chests were of great importance, depicting the life-size characters, whose main creator was Maragliano.