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The art of Reproducing Codexes

Friday 07 October 2022, 04:00 PM • Milan


Petrarca, Francesco

Francisci Petrarcae Vergilianus Codex, 1930


€ 200 - 300


€ 256

The price includes buyer's premium


Milan, Hoepli, 1930. 410 x 262 mm. Binding with wooden plates and leather spine, impressions and dry title, defects and losses on the spine and on the plates. Copy n.77.

Specialist Notes

Facsimile published by Ulrico Hoepli of the Virgilian codex that belonged to Petrarch, with illustrations by Simone Martini. Vittorio Emanuele III, Pius IX and Benito Mussolini received the first three copies as a gift to celebrate the anniversary of Virgil's birth.