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Recollections: Modern and Contemporary Art's Books and Documents

Thursday 16 July 2020, 04:30 PM • Rome


Libro (Futurismo) - Miletti, Vladimiro

(Trieste 1913 - 1998)

Jazz air. Free words Trieste, Alabarda Editions [print: Renato Fortuna Typography - Trieste], 1934 [August / September], 21.5x13.8 cm., Paperback, pp. 36.


€ 700 - 900


€ 896

The price includes buyer's premium


Color cover of Trisno (Tristano Pants). Paroliber compositions. "This poem was awarded the medal of the Municipality of Trieste at the First Great Julian Competition of Poetry announced by the Interprovincial Fascist Authors and Writers Union of Trieste". Announced on FUTURIST STYLE, Year I n. 3, 25 September 1934 and reviewed by Italo Lorio on FUTURIST STYLE, Year I n. 5, 31 December 1934. First edition.


Bibliography: Claudia Salaris, "Bibliography of Futurism", Rome, Biblioteca del Vascello, 1988: pag. 55; Claudia Salaris, «History of Futurism», Rome, Editori Riuniti, 1992: pag. 241 illustration; Maurizio Scudiero - Claudio Rebeschini, "Venetian Futurism", (Milan), The Publisher, 1990: p. 29 illustration

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