A typographic composition printed in black on a gray background on the cover, 9 color plates, 3 plates printed on tissue paper outside the text, 3 plates printed on pink wrapping paper, 55 black and white illustrations in the text with photographic images by Mario Abbate, Paolo Bressano, Mario Cresci, Piero Gilardi, Nino Peluffo, Renato Rinbaldi and Bruno Scagliola. Graphic design by Dieter Grauer. Critical text by Alberto Boatto in Italian, English, French. [Bibliography: Michael Lailach, «Printed Matter. Die Sammlung Marzona in der Kunstbibliothek », Berlin, Kunstbibliothek Staatliche Museen, 2005: 153] .- United: PISTOLETTO Michelangelo, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Hannover, Kestner-Gesellschaft and V., [print: Th. Schäfer - Hannover], 1973, 20 , 5x20.5 cm., Paperback, pp. 16- [8 advertising] - [4 catalog of works], typographical cover printed on paper on glossy paper, 5 sheets of glossy paper interspersed between the pages, 56 plates with black and white photographic images printed on the front on semi-parchment paper sheets - transparent, photographic shots of C. Abate, P. Bressano, U. Mulas, P. Mussat Sartor. Preface by Weiland Schmied, texts by Martin Friedman, Henry Martin, Robert M. Murdock, Jean Dypréau, Alberto Boatto. Catalog published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Kestner-Gesellschaft and V. in Hanover from 23 November 1973 to 13 January 1974. [Bibliography: Michael Lailach, «Printed Matter. Die Sammlung Marzona in der Kunstbibliothek ", Berlin, Kunstbibliothek Staatliche Museen, 2005: p. 153; Giorgio Maffei, «Books and documents. Arte Povera 1966-1980 », Mantua, Edizioni Corraini, 2007: pag. 178] .- Kingdom: PISTOLETTO Michelangelo, Michelangelo Pistoletto. The head tail, Turin, Giorgio Persano, [print: East - Turin], 12/1980, 20.9x15.1 cm, stapled, pp. [24] excluding the cover, catalog illustrated with color photographic images created by photographers Paolo Mussat Sartor, Paolo Pellion and Salvatore Licitra. Edited by Giorgio Persano, Turin in 1980. - Kingdom: PISTOLETTO Michelangelo, Pistoletto. Division and Multiplication of the Mirror, Milan, The Institute for Contemporary Art - Fabbri Editori, 1988, 30.7x25.7 cm, paperback, pp. 228, catalog with a color photographic image on the cover, 56 color images and 126 black and white with photographs by Claudio Abate, Paolo Bressano, Pascal Clerc, Giorgio Colombo, M.Gray, Paul Hester, Mimmo Jodice, Nanda Lanfranco, Salvatore Licitra, Attilio Maranzano, André Morin, Maria Mulas, Paolo Mussat Sartor, Patrizio Parolini, Bill Paul, Paolo Pellion di Persano, Giorgio Persano, Ravagnoli, Renato Rinaldi, Rimordi, R: M: Schopp, Mark van Geyte, F.Walch , William. Catalog published on the occasion of the exhibition curated by the Institute for Contemporary Art P.S. 1 Museum and International Art Meetings in Rome from 2 October to 27 November 1988. Specimen with autograph dedication by the artist.