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Recollections: Modern and Contemporary Art's Books and Documents

Thursday 16 July 2020, 04:30 PM • Rome


Maquette pubblicitaria - Anonimo

3 groschen Oper [The three-penny opera] (s.d. But ca. 1930), 40.3x57.5 cm., Collage and original tempera in color on cardboard


€ 700 - 900


€ 1.920

The price includes buyer's premium


Bertolt Brecht's "The Three-Piece Opera" [Dreigroschenoper] (Augusta 1898 - Berlin 1956), first staged in 1928. On the reverse is the stamp of the architect Hubert Hoffmann and a note written in his own hand: "bei Herbert Bayer um 1930 ". Herbert Bayer (Haag, Austria 1900 - Los Angeles, California 1985), was a professor at the Bauhaus in 1930. The work comes from the archive of the architect Hubert Hoffmann (Berlin 1904 - Graz 1999), also a student at the Bauhaus, and subsequently a very active organizer and collaborator of various exhibitions starting from the famous "22 berliner bauhäusler stellen aus" (1950) .

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