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Rare and Fine Antique Arms & Armour from Around the World

Thursday 21 March 2024 e Friday 22 March 2024, 02:00 PM • Sarzana

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A charming tiny snaphaunce travel pistol by Domenico Guardiani, 1760


€ 600 - 900


€ 1.500

The price includes buyer's premium


length 18.2 cm.
Smoothbore, two-stage, 8 mm cal. barrel, octagonal at the first part and engraved with floral motifs, the second round part decorated with rings at the ends, engraved tang, the screw covered with a small carved mask. Lock with flat lock plate engraved and carved with floral motifs, sliding pan cover. Slightly carved briarwood case with small missing parts and defects; beautiful, carved and partially pierced steel mounts, counterplate with a medal depicting a female bust among floral motifs, trigger guard and butt plate with busts and carved with floral motifs, the back with bust held by two grotesque figures.Tipped, iron ramrod with cartridge extractor.

Specialist Notes

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Si tratta di un'asta indipendente da Finarte e come tale gestita interamente a Sarzana da Czerny's. Per oggetti considerati "arma" dalla legge italiana per l'acquisto è necessaThis is an independent auction from Finarte and as such is managed entirely in Sarzana by Czerny's.