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Rare and Fine Antique Arms & Armour from Around the World

Friday 15 December 2023 e Saturday 16 December 2023, 02:00 PM • Sarzana


A hunting sabre - Northern Italy


€ 150 - 250


€ 325

The price includes buyer's premium


length 65 cm.
Curved and palmate blade carved with semicircles on the back and engraved en suite on the right side along its entire length. Iron hilt with a circular shell guard, loop guard, and a short curled parry quillon. Iron ring nut. Deer horn grip. An iron belt hook on the back.
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Si tratta di un'asta indipendente da Finarte e come tale gestita interamente a Sarzana da Czerny's. Per oggetti considerati "arma" dalla legge italiana per l'acquisto è necessaThis is an independent auction from Finarte and as such is managed entirely in Sarzana by Czerny's.