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Masters of Illustrations: Cereda Collection

Tuesday 26 March 2024, 04:00 PM • Rome


Enki Bilal

Animal'z, 2009


€ 7.000 - 12.000


€ 8.400

The price includes buyer's premium


pencil, pastels and white lead on colored thin cardboard
42 x 30 cm
Original comic art made by Bilal for the page 77/A of his masterpiece "Animal'Z", published for the first time in France by Casterman in 2009. Marine waters invade the world, fresh water, the one that makes human life possible, disappears. And man saves himself by becoming a fish, abandoning a part of himself to find a new, better one, adapted to changed circumstances. "Animal'z" is a story that could be true, or at least could become so. Enki Bilal tells it with his usual style, which adheres like a glove to reality, faces and emotions and at the same time deforms it, to force us to see beyond appearances. With Animal'z, Bilal's drawing becomes sea water, water vapor, darkness, flashes of light, blood. Signed.