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Fine Jewels

Monday 22 May 2023 e Tuesday 23 May 2023, 03:00 PM • Milan


A 18k yellow gold wristwatch bangle

Weight g 96,80 inner diameter cm 6,20, defects (broken the hinge part of the clasp)

Starting bid

€ 2.500


€ 3.870

The price includes buyer's premium


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Four 18k yellow gold, enamel and amethyst pair of cufflinks

Four 18k yellow gold, enamel and amethyst pair of cufflinks

Sold € 1.600

(buyer's premium not included)

9k yellow gold and coral earrings

9k yellow gold and coral earrings

Sold € 700

(buyer's premium not included)

Two 18k yellow, low-carat gold and enemal pendents

Two 18k yellow, low-carat gold and enemal pendents

Sold € 950

(buyer's premium not included)

A 18k yellow gold and jadeite pendant

A 18k yellow gold and jadeite pendant

Sold € 550

(buyer's premium not included)

A 14k yellow gold and hard stone bracelet

A 14k yellow gold and hard stone bracelet

Sold € 2.400

(buyer's premium not included)

A 18k two-color gold, blue topaz and diamond parure

A 18k two-color gold, blue topaz and diamond parure

Sold € 3.000

(buyer's premium not included)

A 18k yellow gold necklace

A 18k yellow gold necklace

Sold € 5.500

(buyer's premium not included)

A 18k yellow gold, blue topaz and diamond ring

A 18k yellow gold, blue topaz and diamond ring

Sold € 800

(buyer's premium not included)

A 18k two-color gold, blue topaz and diamond necklace

A 18k two-color gold, blue topaz and diamond necklace

Sold € 1.800

(buyer's premium not included)

A 18k yellow gold demi parure

A 18k yellow gold demi parure

Sold € 2.200

(buyer's premium not included)

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