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Fine Antique Arms and Militaria from around the world

Thursday 20 June 2024 e Friday 21 June 2024, 10:00 AM • Sarzana

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Wilhelm II, 1890


€ 700 - 1.200


€ 3.125

The price includes buyer's premium


dimensions 28.5 x 48 cm.
Big, original photograph depicting Kaiser in uniform with orders. Signed in ink "Wilhelm J. R. Berlin 14/XI 1890" and with the photographers' stamp "Reichard & Lindner, Berlin 1888" beside; the rear part with a large mark of the court photographers with address. A printed picture below reads "Dem Kommandeur der Königlich Preußischen Hauptkadettenanstalt zu Lichterfelde". In a beautiful, richly-pierced, gilded-metal frame, surmounted by the royal monogram "W" under crown with enamels; the two upper corners with partially-enameled German eagles. The frame on the back with the mark "C. H. Preetz, Berlin".

Specialist Notes

Please note: Finarte customers for this auction must register with Czerny's
Si tratta di un'asta indipendente da Finarte e come tale gestita interamente a Sarzana da Czerny's. Per oggetti considerati "arma" dalla legge italiana per l'acquisto è necessaThis is an independent auction from Finarte and as such is managed entirely in Sarzana by Czerny's.