Eccezionale gruppo di opere provenienti da Palazzo Torlonia a Roma
Until Thursday 11 March 2021, 02:00 PM • Time auction
Lots start closing in
SALE 1075
Please note that the results listed on this page are inclusive of Finarte Buyer's Premium and exclusive of any applicable taxes and costs, unless otherwise noted.
I dodici affreschi e le due formelle in gesso, provenienti dal demolito palazzo Torlonia in piazza Venezia a Roma, sono stati riconosciuti di eccezionale interesse ai sensi dell'art. 10, comma 3, lettere d) ed e) D.Lgs. n. 42/2004 e pertanto soggetti ad avvio di procedimento di notifica in blocco da parte della Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma in una comunicazione alla casa d'aste, datata 22 febbraio 2021.
Su appuntamento
Fino a mercoledì 10 marzo dalle ore 10:00 alle 18:00
Roma / Palazzo Odescalchi - Piazza SS. Apostoli, 80
(come raggiungerci)
Conditions of Sale
The Old Masters’ Department offers two annual sales, one in the spring and one in the autumn, for which it carefully selects works from the 14th to the 18th century, ranging from gold-ground panel paintings to Neoclassical oil on canvases, from Renaissance sculptures to drawings. The criteria that guide the choice are the executive quality, the state of preservation, the historical-artistic importance of the artworks, favouring the origin from private properties to offer collectors and enthusiasts original and high-quality lots.
The works are presented in the catalogue in an accurate historical-critical manner, valorizing the individual lots to ensure their visibility and the best possible sale’s result.
For all enquires and valuations:
Milan Office: +39 02 3363801
Rome Office: +39 06 6791107