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Contemporary Recollections: Documents, Books, Photographs and Arts

Thursday 27 June 2024, 03:00 PM • Milan


Ugo La Pietra


Architettura/Natura, 2018

Artist's Resale Right


€ 1.200 - 1.800

Un utente ha offerto

Your offer is the highest


terracotta, work composed of 04 pieces, ed. 5/9
cm 27 x 27,5 x 11,5

Signed and dated on the underside: U. La Pietra, 2018
Work realized by Bottega Gatti, Faenza
From a series of 09 copies + 03 AP


Bologna, Galleria Astuni;
private collection.


cfr., G. Di Pietrantonio (curated by), Poliarte. L'Arte delle Arti, exhibition catalog (Bologna, Galleria Enrico Astuni, February, 2 -April, 27 2019), Bandecchi&Vivaldi, Pisa 2019, p. 78.

Condition report

To request a Condition Report, please contact The department will provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Please note that what Finarte declares with respect to the state of conservation of the objects corresponds only to a qualified opinion and that we are not professional conservators or restorers. We urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. We always suggest prospective buyers to inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition during the exhibition days as indicated in the catalog.

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