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Wednesday 20 November 2024 e Thursday 21 November 2024, 04:00 PM • Rome


Bar, Jacques Charles

Collect all the costumes of the religious and military orders with a historical and chronological history, 1778


€ 1.400 - 1.800


€ 1.806

The price includes buyer's premium


Paris, chez l'auteur, 1778-1791. In 2°. 6 volumes in 5 volumes. Frontispieces, engraved titles with color vignette, engraved and colored frontispieces, over 500 costume plates engraved "à la manière noire" and colored by Bar himself, blue text cards, EXEMPLARY IN BARBE , half leather binding and pink hardback with titles on the spine.

Specialist Notes

First edition of one of the most important works dedicated to religious and military costumes, decorated with almost 600 hand-colored engravings of the time, preserved in its original rustic cardboard binding and in barbs.
ORIGINAL EDITION published in 56 issues between 1778 and 1798. According to Lipperheide, the work was already almost finished with the 51st issue (1789); the last 5 issues contained some plates and above all the indexes of each volume, essential for the classification of the engravings with the relative texts.
«PARMI LES OUVRAGES DONT LE COSTUME RELIGIEUX A ÉTÉ L'OBJET, CELUI-CI EST UN DES PLUS CONSIDÉRABLES: ordres militaires, hospitaliers, mendiants, y sont représentés ; on y voit même des derviches et des fakirs. Le costume des fakirs!! … CETTE ENCYCLOPÉDIE... RENFERME UN TRÈS GRAND NOMBRE DE FIGURES. […] The author a beau emprunter ses models aux pierres tombales, aux manuscrits: le goût du XVIIIe siècle s'y fait toujours sentir. THE TEXTS EST SAVANT; bien fourni de documents curieux, et comme il renferme l'histoire de chaque order, il est bon à consulter, à l'occasion... » (Vinet, Bibliographie méthodique et raisonnée des Beaux Arts, 2103). Cohen-deRicci 110ff; Lipperheide 1848; Colas 209.