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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 20 November 2024 e Thursday 21 November 2024, 04:00 PM • Rome


Aridosio Comedy of Mr. Lorenzino de Medici, 1593


€ 150 - 220


€ 258

The price includes buyer's premium


Florence, for Filippo Giunti, 1593. Full parchment binding, sprayed cuts, woodcut typographic device on the title page and in the colophon. Woodcut initials, friezes, headpieces and tailpieces. Browning, stains and minor defects.

Specialist Notes

Youthful comedy (1536) by Lorenzino de' Mèdici (1513-1548). The performance, inspired by classical comedies, was solemnly staged in Florence on the occasion of the wedding between Duke Alessandro de' Medici and Margaret of Austria. The events related to the protagonist, the old and miserly Aridosio, and his brother Marcantonio, struggling with the different education given to their children, are narrated with many comical traits.