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Thursday 04 July 2024 e Friday 05 July 2024, 10:30 AM • Rome


Romualdo, santo,

Rule of hermit life was given by the blessed Romualdo to his Camaldolensi hermits. That is, the Camaldolensi constitutions translated again from the Latin language into Tuscany, 1575


€ 200 - 220


€ 710

The price includes buyer's premium


Florence, after Bartolomeo Sermartelli, 1575. In 4th. On the title page, woodcut with two doves drinking from a chalice, on the colophon a turtle holding a sail with a Florentine lily on its shell, in a figured frame with the motto Festina lente, marginal reddening, rigid parchment binding from the 18th century.

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