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Books, Autographs & Prints

Thursday 04 July 2024 e Friday 05 July 2024, 10:30 AM • Rome



Officium Blessed Marie secundum vsum Romanum nouiter impressum, 1507


€ 600 - 800


€ 1.677

The price includes buyer's premium


Venice,  Bernardino Stagnino the Elder, 1507. In the 8th. On the title page, printed in red and black, brand depicting a Crown with flowers and initials B.S., volume richly illustrated with text in red and black, at the center of each page the textual part surrounded by a frame decorated with cartoons, graphic levels and bodies of different characters, initials in red, paper *10 missing, some slight restoration but overall a splendid example, modern leather binding with dry impressions on the model of Renaissance bindings.