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Books, Autographs & Prints

Thursday 04 July 2024 e Friday 05 July 2024, 10:30 AM • Rome


Medicina - Chirurgia - Tagault, Jean

Institutione di Cirugia [...] Distinguished in five books. The sixth book of the matter of cirugia by Giacomo Hollerio has been added., 1585


€ 150 - 250


€ 774

The price includes buyer's premium


Venice, Giacomo Cornetti, 1585. In 8°. With 9 wood engravings in the text, xylographic mark on the title page, some slight defects, contemporary parchment binding, handwritten titles on the spine with 3 raised bands, slight defects. 

Specialist Notes

Jean Tagault was one of the most prominent surgeons in France in the first decades of the 16th century. This treatise on Surgery went through numerous reprints and became a foundational text for medical students, with its first edition dating back to 1543. It addresses a wide range of topics including tumors, wounds, ulcers, fractures, dislocations, and describes in detail the surgical instruments of the time.