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Thursday 04 July 2024 e Friday 05 July 2024, 10:30 AM • Rome


Economia - Regno di Napoli - Ferone, Alberto

Neapolitan finances in the last years of the Bourbon Kingdom., 1930


€ 80 - 100

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Naples, I.T.E.A., 1930. In 16th. Red half morocco binding with gold corners, cords, title and friezes on the spine. Uniform burnishing.

Specialist Notes

Part one - The proceeds: Summary look at the conditions of the Kingdom of Naples at the time of the annexation; Tax pressure; Direct taxes; Indirect taxes; Business taxes; State property and brief notes on the undertakings carried out by the State; Miscellaneous income, withholding taxes, miscellaneous income, share paid by Sicily. Part Two - Expenses: Finances; Military spending; Grace and Justice; Interior and Police; Education and ecclesiastical affairs; Public Works; Presidency and foreign affairs.

Condition report

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