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Friday 15 December 2023, 11:00 AM • Rome



The course of the stars observed by the modern forecast Palmaverde Piedmontese Almanac for the year 1782, 1782


€ 80 - 100


€ 116

The price includes buyer's premium


Turin, Stamperia Fontana, 1782. In the 16th. Typographic frieze on the title page, figured astrological frontispiece, coeval calfskin binding with gold decorations and friezes on the plates and spine. 

Specialist Notes

There were several almanacs published between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but the one that found the greatest diffusion was "The Course of the Stars observed by modern forecasting. Palmaverde. Piedmontese Almanac”, published in 1722 and published at the end of each year until 1888. The palm tree imprinted on the title page gave it its name as an emblem of peace and glory. Over time, from “La palma verde” it turned to the masculine in “Il palmaverde”.The Palmaverde was aimed at a very large audience, interpreting every type of need: it represented a tool of work for the farmer who wanted to know the lunations and the climate trend, but also for the merchant who found data on fairs and markets; it informed citizens on the life of sovereigns and the court, on the ecclesiastical hierarchy and on the municipal administration, it provided the timetables of the post office and means of transport, the rates of coins and gold, and made participants participate in cultural life with short essays of history, science and literature. The diffusion of almanacs was linked to the usefulness of practical information and the small format, which made them objects to always keep with you and to personalize with notes and bindings, even valuable ones.