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Books, Autographs & Prints

Tuesday 20 June 2023 e Wednesday 21 June 2023, 03:00 PM • Rome


Manoscritto - Astrologia

Figurative Judicial Astrology - Cornelius Agrippa's Cabala Angelica, 1744


€ 4.000 - 6.000

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Paper manuscript of 36 leaves, with various ancient numbering, beautiful calligraphy by a single hand, first half of the 18th century (about 1744), 275 x 205 mm.

Specialist Notes

Very interesting anonymous document , learned Italian esotericist and magician, who expounds the Astrological practice (cc.1r-13v) with the trines, the aspects, the conjunctions and the influences of the course of the planets: the seven personifications astro- mnemonics of the planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus and Mercury) and their zodiacal course, with drawings of popular workmanship but of singular expressive and didactic effectiveness. The Cabala of Agrippa follows, interpreted by the anonymous author and concerning the names of the angels "assistants to the Planets". Incipit: "Rotiglio's Astronomy [Rutilio Benincasa]. Astronomy is nothing but an Angelic Oracle which was revealed by God himself, or rather God himself spoke through the Prophets (...) The Angelic Cabala is a pure single election in finding a suitable place for the effect to be produced according to the intention of the one who operates...".
Everything to study.

Condition report

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