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Books, Autographs & Prints

Thursday 09 March 2023 e Friday 10 March 2023, 03:00 PM • Rome


Rivista - La Ronda

The Monthly Literary Round, 1919


€ 60 - 150


€ 77

The price includes buyer's premium


Rome, Bodoni printing shop, 1919-1920. In 8th. 2 vols. Collection from the first number of April 1919 to that of January 1920, coeval half leather binding with gusset, the paperbacks of the first number of 1919 and the first of 1920 are preserved, some peeling.
Famous monthly literary magazine published in Rome from 1919 to 1923, edited by a group of writers - V. Cardarelli, who directed it from 1920, R. Bacchellli, A. Baldini, B. Barilli, E. Cecchi, L. Montano, A.E. Saffi - very different from each other in temperament, but agree on the need for a return, after the experience of the Voice from which they themselves came, to the classical tradition.