The description of the apparatus made in Florence in the baptism of the most serene prince of Tuscany, 1577
€ 180 - 280
€ 3.072
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Florence, Giunti, 1577. In 8°. Armi dei Medici on the title page, a woodcut initial, small lack in the margin of the first paper, modern hardcover binding. § Diploma Caesareum Continens Erectionem magi ducatus etruriae. Florence, Giunta, 1576. In 8°. Medical Weapons to the title page and printer's brand in end, figured drop cap, spots, lmodern hardcover binding.
§ Indulto, et thankful decree granted by Sereniss. Prince His son... Firenze, Giunti, 1577. < span style="background-color: hsl(var(--bs-white)); color: hsl(var(--bs-gray)); font-size: var(--bs-body-font-size) ; text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align);">In 8th. Medici arms on the title page
old hand annotations and underlining, modern hardcover binding. < /p>