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Tuesday 06 December 2022 e Wednesday 07 December 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Jacob, Nicolas Henri - Hugues, Pietro

Natural history of monkeys and maki [...] behind the discoveries of the most renowned naturalists., 1817


€ 1.000 - 1.200


€ 1.280

The price includes buyer's premium


Milan, presso P. Hugue< /span>s, n.d. [1817]. In 2nd. Frontefigured space engraved in rame in ele< /span>gante cornice< /span> architandblood color tunic, complessive 89 tablee finemente engraved and with protective tissue, tandso ex engraved, small spots on some paper, binding of the time in brown half leather, on the spine label with gold title and decorative friezes, spine with defects and slight omissions. Exemplary IN BEARDS.

Specialist Notes

Rare edizion and of quest'opera lavishentand illustrated, danddedicated to the Principe Eugenio of Beauharnais. This is probably ente  dandthe broadest treatmentand< /span> dededicated to primates nel XIX secolo, corregiven bye illustrations del pittore Nicholas Henry Jacob. I am portrayede monkeyse, lemuri e maki del vecchio e dandthe new world, divided into familiarsand and subclasses.
Work “arranged in order by Hugues , behind the discoveries of the most renowned naturalists. Enriched with explanations relating to the customs, tricks, nourishments, and climates inhabited by these Quadrumans, with the manner of hunting them, and with an idea of the use and properties of their meat in Medicine. Dedicated to S.A. Prince Eugene of Beauharnais". In addition to its importance on a scientific level, this work is also a true masterpiece of typographic art: the quality of the plates is the best of the time. This edition is only in Italian (the first of 1812 also had the text in French and German but with 73 tables).
Nissen,ZBI,2080; Brunet,III,478. 

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