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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Tasso, Torquato

The Released Jerusalem, 1785


€ 1.500 - 2.000


€ 2.304

The price includes buyer's premium


Paris, Didot l'Aine, [1784-86]. 2 vols. In 4th major. Antiporta and 40 copper engraved plates by Simonet, Dambrun, Delignon, Duclos and others based on a design by Cochin, some flowering and slight reddening, some papers with light browning, magnificent neoclassical binding in green Moroccan, plates framed by gold friezes, backs 5 nerves with double pieces of red leather, titles and decorations in gold in the shafts, dentelles, lips and gilded cuts. Paper ex libris on the counterplate.

Specialist Notes

Refined second edition limited to 200 copies, the last to be illustrated by Cochin commissioned by the Count of Provence. According to Renuard, who bought the designs in 1812, Cochin was paid 500 liveries for each of the 82 designs he had made (only 40 were used for the edition). The Count of Provence personally selected the subjects for the illustrations, choosing those that Gravelot had used for his plates and headboards of the 1771 edition. The plates were printed from June 1784 until the last of 1787. Brunet V, 667. Gamba 948 .