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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Economia - fisiocrazia - Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel

De l'igine et des progres d'une science nouvelle, 1768


€ 3.000 - 4.000

Un utente ha offerto

Your offer is the highest


London, Desaint, 1768. In 8th. Headboard, finally a folded plate, & nbsp; missing title page & nbsp; the second and third work, browning, plate with tear, binding in & nbsp; coeval half calfskin, with embossed gold friezes, small defects.

Specialist Notes

First edition of one of Dupont's rarest works, and probably one of the most successful publications promoting physiocracy, first published in the journal Ephémérides du Citoyen . The work is based on Le Mercier de la Rivière's L'Ordre naturel et essentiel des Sociétés politiques , which Adam Smith called "the most distinct and best connected account of this doctrine". Schumpeter, in his discussion of the physiocrats, calls Dupont "by far the cleverest of lot" (p. 226) and notes Palgrave; "If Quesnay was the father of physiocracy, Dupont was its godfather, as he gave it the name with the publication of his Physiocratie. A collection of articles by Quesnay, which the publisher presented from a Discours", 10390 by Goldsmiths.

Condition report

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