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Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


India - Lazzaro, Papi

Letters on the East Indies, 1802


€ 100 - 200

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Filadelfia [Pisa], Stamperia Klert, 1802. In 8 °. 2 parts in 1 vol. Slight browning, slight water gore, sporadic blooms, coeval half parchment binding, gold title within the spine, slight defects. Stamp of belonging to the title page. Together in the lot Formichi, Carlo , India and Indians, & nbsp; Milan, Alpes, 1929. In 8 °. With 16 illustrations in phototype, light browning, coeval binding in red chagrin, gold title on the spine, flaws on the hinges. § Mantegazza, Paolo , India , Milan, Treves, 1884. In 8 °. 2 vols. Slight browning, some slight flowering, contemporary half leather binding, author and title stamped in gold on the 4-rib spine. Signature of belonging to the guard card, loose sheet containing a handwritten letter addressed to the author. § & nbsp; Lomonaco, Alfonso , On the edge of India. Memories of a trip to Bombay , Turin, Rome, Roux and Viarengo, 1902. In 8 °. With a folded geographical map and numerous black and white illustrations in the text, several of which are full page, a beautiful double-page plate of Bombay, light browning, slight scattered blooms, slight water gora in the inner margin of the first cards, binding in the middle of green chagrin, slight defects. Business card with handwritten note dated 31.12.1908 pasted in the end cap and addressed to the author's brother, Avv. Biagio Lomonaco.

Specialist Notes

The Tuscan writer and surgeon Lazzaro Papi (Pontito 1763-Lucca 1834) renowned in literary circles for the translation of John Milton's "Paradise Lost", once he was widowed he embarked as a ship's doctor on the "Ferdinand III of Tuscany" bound for India where he settled for about a decade. And the unknown and fascinating India with its customs and rituals, the main plant and animal species, the sciences and the arts, the English colonial presence and the legislation, is described in the Letters providing us with a rich testimony of his many studies carried out & nbsp;

Condition report

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