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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Restif de La Bretonne, Nicolas-Edme

Les Contemporaines ou Aventures des plus jolies femmes de l'âge présent, 1780


€ 1.000 - 2.000


€ 1.216

The price includes buyer's premium


Leipzig, Buschel; Paris, Belin (later Duchesne), 1780-1785. In 12 °, 41 vols. (of 42: no. 31 is missing). With 275 out-of-text plates by Binet and his school, slight browning and blooms, coeval binding in red cardboard, title and tome number imprinted in gold on the spine, a detached spine, some defects and lacks in the backs, slight defects. In the counterplate paper ex libris Tammaro De Marinis.

Specialist Notes

First edition, with the exception of t. VIII which is in second edition. Complete series of the first edition are almost impossible to find. Some volumes of the second part correspond to the limited number of copies (1000 out of 3500 of the entire edition) which, "pour une raison qu'on ignore", were printed with the title of Les Jolies-femmes du commune and the other particularities noted by Rives Childs (pp. 260-261). & nbsp;

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