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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Venezia - Coleti, Niccolò

Monumenta Ecclesiae Venetae Sancti Moysis, 1758


€ 100 - 200

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Venice, Sebastiano Coleti, 1758. In 4th. Editorial brand engraved on wood on the title page, headbands, initials and ornate ends engraved on wood, bearded specimen, some slight marginal halo, contemporary rustic-style cardboard binding, slow spine, slight defects. § Flaminio Corner . De Ecclesiae Venetae Antiquis Monumentis ... decas prima . Venice, G.B.Pasquali, 1749. In 4 °. Vol. I of 15. Front door as a title page engraved on copper, publishing brand engraved on copper on the title page, headbands, initials and end caps engraved on wood, bearded specimen, some slight halo, slow and some detached booklets, binding in rustic cardboard, slight defects .. In the lot also Monitorium & amp; declaratio Excommunicationis, Interdicti, & amp; aliarum poenarum..contra Venetos, qui civitatem Ferrariensem, & amp; eius Comitatum hostiliter invaserant & amp; occupier of Pope Clement V (Rome, ex Typographia Vaticana, 1606), linked with other warnings and notices against the Venetians for the invasion of Ferrara. In 4th. Contemporary binding in decorated cardboard. & Nbsp;

Specialist Notes

Interesting ensemble of editions on Venetian topics, the first two - of which the first is a first edition - dedicated to the most illustrious religious monuments of the city, while the third relates to the disputes between Venice and Ferrara in the seventeenth century.

Condition report

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