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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Jean Michel Benavin

Le caissier italien, ou L'Art de connoitre toutes les monnoies auctuelles de l'Italie, 1787


€ 280 - 350


€ 640

The price includes buyer's premium


[Lyon], s. e., 1787. In 2 °. 2 tomes. Beautiful title pages within graceful chalcographic architectural frames designed by Meunier, with 153 full-page copper plates (numbered from 1 to 173 with two plates bis & nbsp; la 32 and la 63), light browning, more intense on some papers, sporadic blooms, binding of the time in marbled leather, author, title and tome number on dowels on the backs with 6 nerves with phytomorphic decorations, red cuts, skinning on the plates, small lacks on the backs. Paper ex libris on the counterplate.

Specialist Notes

First edition, rare. The tables are proposed in series, each preceded by a printed half-eye and describe hundreds of coins in use in the various kingdoms of Italy (Rome, Bologna, Ferrara, Milan, Naples) and in Europe.