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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Economia - Pecchio , Giuseppe

History of the Public Economy in Italy, 1829


€ 150 - 250

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Lugano, Ruggia, 1829. In 8th. Uncut copy, frieze on the title page, very rare and slight blooms, editorial paperback, data on the title page repeated on the front plate within the frame, slight defects. & Nbsp;

Specialist Notes

"Giuseppe Pecchio can be considered the founder of the political economy of the Risorgimento. Taking up the legacy of Pietro Custodi, Pecchio popularized the Italian economic thought of the Enlightenment both in Italy and in Europe, updating its meaning in the light of the needs of the Risorgimento. In fact, he bequeathed the idea of public economics as the "science of love of country" to subsequent generations. Although his theoretical and conceptual framework still remained partly linked to the ideas of eighteenth-century Italian economists, he was a great admirer of Adam Smith and Thomas R. Malthus, and in his writings he celebrated the English development model, defending it against his detractors. " (Braids)

Condition report

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