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Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Manoscritto - Tommasini, Giacomo

In what health and disease consist - Stimulus insufficiency diseases, 1830


€ 400 - 600

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Two full-bodied manuscripts of over 300 pages each, 230 x 320 mm., Written by a single hand perhaps that of a secretary under the control of the author, paginated on a column to allow for the insertion of revisions and additions, on elegant blue paper , woodworm holes on some papers, datable to around 1830, half parchment and cardboard binding.

Specialist Notes

The first part of the first volume is divided into various Lessons which are summarized in a beautiful table entitled "First general division of diseases conforming to the maxims of the N.S. Italian Medica", followed by more and more detail, with theoretical reflections alternate with practical examples. The second volume opens with the discussion of "Diseases due to insufficiency of stimulus", and then continues for at least another 300 pages of lessons and explanations, which conclude with a final chapter on the anasarca.
Graduated in & nbsp; medicine & nbsp; all ' University of Parma & nbsp; at the age of twenty . After a period of apprenticeship at Parma Hospital , got a scholarship for advanced courses on new medical methodologies in & nbsp; University of Pavia , & nbsp; Padua , & nbsp; Bologna , & nbsp; Pisa & nbsp; e & nbsp; Turin . He also made study trips abroad, in & nbsp; France & nbsp; ed & nbsp; England . In & nbsp; 1792 & nbsp; was appointed as substitute of Prof. Cortesi in the chair of practical medicine. In & nbsp; 1794 & nbsp; was appointed professor of & nbsp; physiology & nbsp; and & nbsp; pathology . His lessons were so popular that he received an extraordinary salary increase. the chair until 1815. & nbsp; Tommasini was among the main editors of the & nbsp; Giornale Medico Chirurgico , published in Parma from 1806 to 1813. & nbsp; & nbsp; N el & nbsp; 1815 & nbsp; Tommasini accepted the chair of Clinica Medica in Bologna, succeeding Prof. Antonio Testa. In Bologna Tommasini affirmed the need to adopt the experimental method in medical practice, which constituted a radical change from the hitherto usual largely empirical methods. In the & nbsp; 1819 & nbsp; the magazine" Nuova Doctrina Medica Italiana "was founded, which adopted Tommasini's concepts.

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