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Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Diritto medievale - Sicilia

Constitutiones et Statuta Illustrissimi Domini Regis Caroli Hierusalem [et] Sicilie Regis, 1479


€ 400 - 600


€ 8.250

The price includes buyer's premium


[s.e., s.l., s.d.] In 2 °. 3 parts in 1 vol. Initials engraved in wood on a black background, text on two columns, some handwritten notes, light browning, some small stains, some halo, small woodworm hole on a few cards, restoration of the outer corner of the last 2 cards, composed of & nbsp; Constitutiones et Statuta Illustrissimi Domini Regis Caroli Hierusalem [et] Sicilie Regis , cc. 33 (of 34), [4], c.17 missing; bound with & nbsp; Incipiunt ritus Magne Curie Bactenus , of cc.12; linked with & nbsp; Incipit Utilissimum Repertorium Constitutionum et Capitolorum Regni Sicilie, [1479] cc. 30, the final papers are missing, cardboard binding with reused sheets on the plates, slight defects.

Specialist Notes

Specimen composed of 3 incunabula containing collections of medieval Sicilian laws completed with those provided by Charles V up to 1324 (year indicated by the same final explicit on page 34 of the first work “anno domini MCCCXXIIII”). The first text is by the jurists Luca Da Penne (Penne 1325 - 1390) and Bartolomeo di Capua (Naples 1248 - 1328); the second by Cesare Perrini, the third by the jurist Andrea D’Isernia (1230 - Naples 1316). & nbsp; A text to be studied in depth.