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Books, Autographs & Prints

Thursday 24 June 2021 e Friday 25 June 2021, 03:00 PM • Rome


Seneca, Lucio Anneo

Tragoediae Senecae cum duobus commentariis: videlicet Bernardini Marmitae & Danielis Galetani, 1505


€ 600 - 800


€ 896

The price includes buyer's premium


Venice, 7 September 1505. In the 2nd. Woodcut initials, text on two columns, A2-3 partially detached, slight water gore, slight bluing, slight blooms, some woodworm holes, lossless tear to the penultimate card, last two slightly worn cards, coeval parchment binding, partially detached from the body of the book, & nbsp; woodworm holes, some lack, defects. Signature of belonging to the title page. § Together in the lot & nbsp; Cicero, Marco Tullio , In omnes M. Tullii Ciceronis orationes [...] doctissimorum virorum enarrationes, Venice, heirs of Aldus Manutius, 1552. In 2nd. Aldina woodcut on the title page and on the back of the last card, initials engraved in wood, text on two columns, rare handwritten annotations, first part partially detached and with slightly worn margins, water mill at the outer margin of the files, few holes of woodworm, sporadic and light marginal blooms, some halo, the last two cards with some defects, contemporary parchment binding, losses to the dishes, defects. § & nbsp; Pliny Secundo, Gaius Historiae mundi libri triginta, Lyons, ex officina Godefridi & amp; Marcelli Beringorum fratrum, 1548. In 2nd. Brand engraved in wood on the title page, xylographic initials, text on two columns in italics, some old hand annotations, reupholstered title page, missing the a2 paper, light browning, light water mill at the outer margin of the last issues, some sporadic flowering and reddening, last partially detached file, binding of the century. XVIII with leather spine and hardcover plates, author and title stamped in gold within the spine, defects. Ex libris on the title page.

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