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Books, Autographs & Prints

Thursday 24 June 2021 e Friday 25 June 2021, 03:00 PM • Rome


Alciati , Andrea

Rerum patriæ Andreae Alciati I.C. very famous, 1625


€ 350 - 500

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Milan, Giovanni Battista Bidelli, 1625. In 8 °. Chalcographic frontispiece engraved with portrait of the author by Giovanni Paolo Bianchi, coeval binding in rigid parchment with title on the spine, worn.

Specialist Notes

Giovanni Andrea Alciato or Alciati (Milan, May 8, 1492 - Pavia, January 12, 1550) was an Italian jurist and teacher, born in the Duchy of Milan. While still a student, he collected most of the Latin epigraphic inscriptions that make up the two books of his Monumentorum veterumque inscriptionum, quae cum Mediolani tum in eius agro adhuc exstant collectanea, work that he considered necessary for the drafting, which he was doing, of a history of Milan from origins in its time, but which remained interrupted in the reign of Valentinian and was published posthumously in 1625 in Milan with the title of Rerum Patriae libri IV.

Condition report

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