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Wednesday 18 November 2020, 10:30 AM • Rome


Medicina - Manoscritto

Tesaurus Pauperum, 1400


€ 2.500 - 3.000


€ 17.620

The price includes buyer's premium


95 x 160 mm.

Manuscript on paper, Naples?, late 14th-mid 15th century, 4-128 cc, missing the first three pages, damages and gaps in the first and last pages, worn edges of various cards, browning, soft parchment binding, title on the spine: Tesaurus Pauperum , inscription on the rear plate (internal) "I dreamed that the mercury was freezing with myrrh and with the Aloe spiny sauce".

Specialist Notes

Missing the first 3 pages, starts from c.4:
·        De frenes [the frenetic]… Furiosos et morbum caducum … the first section from c. 4 to c.34, numbered on the topright. Contains remedies against various diseases.
·        c.35, torn, starts again from c.36: Incipit liber de peste , up to c.39v
·        c.40r Tractatus de peste edit “a Magistro Petro de Tausingrano… de anno domini 1399” up to 58v.
·        cc.59-60 missing
·        c.61r De memoria by Arnaldus de Bella Nova
·        c. 65r "Recipe [contra] pestem data pape eugenio" [i.e. Eugenio IV, 1431-1447]
·        c.67r Incipiunt experimenta Magistri Petri Ispani… Pauperum vocatum … c.100r Explicit Tesaurus pauperum … [added Libellus alsoby P Ispano]…
·        c.115r "Explicit liber heditus a magistro petro yspano qui flores thEsaurum pauperum ...[verso, 115v] Sit nomen domini benedictus semper. AMEN "//
Following the table of subjects, from c.116r toc.116v.

·        c.117r Incipit Liber de Regimine Sanitatis [the first sheet on parchment] - explicita c.127v, but the paper is halved, followed by a half-sheet in parchment always about materia medica.

Beautiful and interesting collection of medieval medical texts collected at the end of the fourteenth century. The Tesaurus Pauperum by Pietro Ispano stands out, a classic of the subject, butalso the Treatise on the Memory by Arnaldo da Villanova (1240-1311) is interesting.
Recipes, medicines, potions of various kinds make up the vast collection of medicine of the time. The two treatises on the plague deserve aseparate chapter, full of information on the origin, the spread and the various remedies to eradicate the deadly disease.