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Wednesday 18 November 2020, 10:30 AM • Rome


Bolla Papale - Manoscritto - Paolo III, Papa

Papal Bull, 1541


€ 2.000 - 2.200


€ 2.560

The price includes buyer's premium


Membranaceous manuscript, related files, cc. 24, February 3, 1541 (date expressed in f. 24r, rr. 19-21); to c. 1v full-page decorative frieze with floral and raceme rows, written in ink, with traces of gold powder in the upper half, traces of gold also on cc. 10r, 23v, 24r., The pope's name "Paulus"
composed of the phytomorphic motifs of the frieze, measures 380 x 255 mm.

Specialist Notes

Pontifical Bull "Dum ab universas Urbis", issued by the Apostolic Chancellery (cc. 1r, 24v: "Date in Apostolic secretary") on February 3, 1541, on behalf of Pope Paul III (1534-1549), ratified by Collegio della Fabbrica of St. Peter's Basilica the powers, jurisdiction and concessions established for the first time by Pope Clement VII, with the bull "Admones nos suscepti" of 13 December 1523. After the chronic and topical dating, two signatures are legible : "L. de Torres ”, to be identified with Luigi de Torres (Malaga, 1495 - Rome, 13 August 1553), member of the Supreme Council, elected archbishop of Salerno on 19 December 1548; and“ G. Grolleti ", on a paleographic basis to presumably be identified with the copyist of the entire document. On the covers (cc. 1r, 24v) runs the signature and the signum  tabellionis of Luigi de Torres, which frames “Date in apostolic secretary”. < div> The Fabbrica di San Pietro became the institution responsible for the construction of the Vatican Basilica after 1505. With the bull "Liquet omnibus" of 13 January 1509 Pope Julius II appointed a group of commissioners to preside over the control of the organizational structure of St. Peter's Basilica and to collect the offerings of the faithful for its completion. Leo X De 'Medici (1513-1521) for the first time entrusted the office of Commissioner of the Factory to a cardinal, who was also Nuncio to the Pope and the Holy See. In 1524 Clemente VII De 'Medici (1523- 1534), for a more stringent technical and administrative control, as the site grew and the interventions required greater funding, designated with the bull "Admonet Nos suscepti" of 12 December 1523 a stable commission of sixty men chosen from among foreign cardinals residing in Rome. The College of sixty men, reporting directly to the Holy See, enjoyed full administrative and judicial autonomy.