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Wednesday 18 November 2020, 10:30 AM • Rome


Guicciardini, Ludovico

Faederate Pars tertia de Belgica, 1648


€ 200 - 400


€ 358

The price includes buyer's premium


Amsterdam, Jacob Meurs, 1660. In 12th. Chalcographic title page, front door with coats of arms and 33 folded plates out of text depicting bird's eye views of Dutch cities, browning, 19th century binding in hardcover, smooth doso with gold impressions, faded spine. § Famiano Strada. De bello belgico decas II. Antwerp, widow and heirs of John Cnobbaert, 1648. Only part I of II. In 8th. Allegorical frontispiece engraved in copper, 11 intaglio portraits out of text, browning, binding of the XVIII century in hardcover, smooth spine with traces of labels. Ex libris manuscript on the title page: Guilielmus Thompson.

Specialist Notes

The first volume is part of "Belgicae, sive inferioris Germaniae, descriptio auctore Ludovico Guicciardino nobili Florentino".