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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 18 November 2020, 10:30 AM • Rome


Fabrizio Clerici, Leoncillo Leonardi

(Milano 1913 - Roma 1993 & 1915 - 1968)

Bestiary, 1941

Artist's Resale Right


€ 3.500 - 4.000


€ 4.470

The price includes buyer's premium


Milan, Edizioni della Chimera, 1941. 20 original lithographs by Fabrizio Clerici, three of which colored with "pochoir", printed two hundred and twenty copies numbered in Arabic numbers from one to two hundred, the first twenty copies contain an original drawing and they are numbered from one to twenty in Roman numerals, fifteen copies are out of the market: this is one of those, the copy of FABRIZIO CLERICI. It contains, in addition to the original drawing, several documents bound at the end of the volume: Clerici Contract; Carrieri Ticket; Leoncillo ticket; Autographed text by Leoncillo; Autographed text by Carrieri; Corrected typescript by Carrieri. All preserved in a splendid artist's binding - later - in amaranth-colored leather with title to the plate made with green leather inserts, the work of Gina Severini, the painter's daughter, worn on the back.

Together in the lot 5 other valuable artist books made by Clerici, alone or in collaboration. This is the monumental edition of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso , Milan, Electa, 1967 (2 vols.); of the work Eight artists for a poet for a choice of verses by Karol Wojtyla , Grafica dei Greci, Rome, 1980, embellished with a bas-relief by Henry Moore; by Gio. Battista Della Porta, On the physiognomy of man , a compendium with five lithographs and a commentary by Fabrizio Clerici. Printed for the Hundred Friends of the Book on the 50th anniversary of the foundation of their association. Milan, 1990, copy number XLI / L; by Yannis Souliotis, Kouros , introduction and tables by Fabrizio Clerici, Nola, The laboratory / The Editions, 1991; of the famous Theban Variations on "Thamos, König in Aegypten" by Clerici, Florence, Edizioni della Bezuga, 1982. Included in the lot is a delicate drawing by Clerici, Leviathan , 1945 Indian ink on cardboard, 32.3 x 24.8 cm. initials and date lower right: FC 1945. Published in Leviatan by Julien Green, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milan, 1946 (enclosed).