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Wednesday 18 November 2020, 10:30 AM • Rome


Clerici - Clerici, Fabrizio / Cocteau, Jean

(Milano 1913 - Roma 1993 & 1889 - 1963)

Correspondence Clerici Cocteau, 1950

Artist's Resale Right


€ 25.000 - 30.000


€ 31.260

The price includes buyer's premium


Extensive correspondence with letters, drawings, postcards, minutes, from Jean Cocteau to Fabrizio Clerici, distributed over a chronological span ranging from 1950 to 1963, over 65 pieces including an autographed preface by Cocteau with envelope.

Specialist Notes

** Tres cher Fabrizio, Fabrizio dear, Merveilleux Fabrizio ... are some of the many, affectionate epithets with which the letters of this extensive and fascinating correspondence begin, where behind the professional aspect, of an active collaboration from artistic point of view, a deep friendship is concealed. I would say more, friendship would seem to precede the artistic initiative, as can be seen from the two beautiful letters drawn from 1950, both sent from Villa Santo Sospir & nbsp; to Cap Ferrat (home of the famous 1952 film); much of the correspondence sent by Cocteau is enriched with original drawings that translate the artist's feelings into words, a way of communicating that we will find in other great painters of the twentieth century. We perceive a "correspondence of loving senses" between the two, which goes beyond the technical aspect of the work, & nbsp; to create the & nbsp; pièce & nbsp; written by Cocteau, & nbsp; Les Chevalier de La Table Ronde, & nbsp ; with sets and costumes by Fabrizio Clerici (later published in the homonymous & nbsp; splendid illustrated volume) & nbsp; of which it is possible to follow the evolutionary phases in the dense correspondence of the relative years. & nbsp; A project started by Cocteau that asks Clerici to collaborate on the artistic side, and Clerici's words are a trembling, & nbsp; stammered & nbsp; yes:" My dear and illustrious friend, your letter era and the proposal to collaborate with sets and costumes for & nbsp; Orphée & nbsp; and & nbsp; Chevaliers de la Table Ronde, put me in a particular state. It is an orgasm made of joy and fear, as always happens to me when facing a poetic and fascinating subject. In this case, the joy you bring me is equal to the fear of not being up to the job proposed to me. (...) ”The minute is from November 1957, the theatrical project will not go to fruition, as we also know from this close correspondence, but six years later they will publish the volume that splendidly certifies their collaboration. On 11 September 1963, exactly one month after his death, Cocteau will write again a beautiful letter drawn to his friend Fabrizio, wishing the best of luck to the common book (just released by Canesi) and closing with a Sto benissimo & nbsp; which sounds really sad and mocking in light of the heart attack that hit him on October 11 of that same year.