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Thursday 05 December 2019, 11:00 AM • Rome

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Born , Ignaz Edler von

Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis que Jussu Mariae Theresiae Augustae, 1780


€ 3.000 - 4.000


€ 3.840

The price includes buyer's premium


Vienna, Gerold per Johann P. Kraus, 1780. In 2°. Al frontespizio grande vignetta figurata emblematica diC. Schultz, carta dedicatoria all'Imperatrice Maria Teresa, 4 grandi testate allegoriche e figurate, 8 finalini, 36 illustrazioni di conchiglie, il tutto inciso in rame da Schutz, C. Conti ed altri, con 18 tavole colorate a mano raffiguranti conchiglie ad opera di Schutz or J. Adam dopo Fr. Fuxeder, legatura originale in vitello marrone marmorizzato, dorso a 7 nervi con ai comparti tassello in marocchino rosso con autore e titolo in oro e fregi fitomorfi, tagli rossi, qualche spellatura, piccoli fori di tarlo al dorso. Ex libris nobiliare al contropiatto.

Specialist Notes

His reputation ensuredthat in 1776 he was called to Vienna by the Empress to arrange and describe theImperial collection. The works on the shells in the Royal Collection were theonly published results of this commission, which was apparently cut short bythe Empress's death in 1780. BM (NH) I,p.202; cf.S. Peter Dance ShellCollecting An Illustrated History 1966. pp.93-94; Nissen ZBI 470.