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Books, Autographs & Prints

Tuesday 12 June 2018 e Wednesday 13 June 2018, 10:30 AM • Rome


Kubrick, Stanley

Lettere, 1972


€ 150 - 200


€ 875

The price includes buyer's premium


Due lettere dattiloscritte con firma autografa, datate 24 luglio 1976 e 22 maggio 1972, buste originali, entrambe indirizzate a Mario Maldesi.
Nella prima il Maestro ringrazia Maldesi per "...the wondeerful job you have done with my film. I am very happy with it. I hope we meet personally very soon." Si tratta del lavoro di doppiaggio su Arancia Meccanica. Nella successiva lettera nuovamente il Maestro lo ringrazia "...for the superb work you have done on Barry Lindon. If it is possible, I think it is even better than Clockwork Orange. You have made the post-synchronization of actors into an art form."