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Books, Autographs & Prints

Tuesday 12 June 2018 e Wednesday 13 June 2018, 10:30 AM • Rome


Earlom, Richard

Liber Veritatis or a collection of prints after original design of Claude Le Lorrain in the Collection of his grace the Duke of Devonshire, 1777


€ 1.200 - 1.500


€ 1.500

The price includes buyer's premium


Londra, Boydell, 1777[-1819]. In 2°. 2 voll.(di 3). Ritratti incisi in rame di Lorrain e di Earlom, 200 tavole incise a mezzatinta color seppia, fioriture, qualche alone di umidità, legatura della fine del secolo XIX in mezza pelle rossa con angoli, dorso a 5 nervi con impressioni in oro, tagli dorati, poche piccole spellature.
Celebre raccolta dei disegni riproducenti opere di Claude Lorran con note relative alle provenienze delle opere a partire dal 1635. Brunet III, 1169; Cohen-De Ricci col.242; Lewine p.325; Lowndes p.1398. "A landmark in the history of reproductions of master drawings, is included in this catalogue as an important forerunner of later publications in this section. It contains 300 reproductions of drawings by Claude Lorrain, pastoral, mythological, and biblical subjects. They are all printed in warm bistre colour to aid the resemblance" (Abbey Life 200).

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