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Books, Autographs & Prints

Tuesday 12 June 2018 e Wednesday 13 June 2018, 10:30 AM • Rome



Disegni alchemici, 1650


€ 500 - 700

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Manoscritto cartaceo del sec.XVII recante 37 acquerelli d'ispirazione alchemica, che illustrano Virtù e varie altre figure riconducibili all'iconologia del Ripa, 170 x 115 mm., il codice presenta innumerevoli fogli bianchi, legatura in carta, staccata.
Interessante manoscritto di ispirazione alchemica, arricchito da un cospicuo corredo iconografico cui doveva seguire il testo, mancante. Le figure sono tratteggiate con maestria e raffigurano virtù personificate e allegorie di multiforme interpretazione. Tutto da studiare.

Condition report

To request a Condition Report, please contact The department will provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Please note that what Finarte declares with respect to the state of conservation of the objects corresponds only to a qualified opinion and that we are not professional conservators or restorers. We urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. We always suggest prospective buyers to inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition during the exhibition days as indicated in the catalog.