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Books, Autographs & Prints / Part II

Wednesday 31 March 2021, 03:00 PM • Rome



Statutes of the venerable archiconfraternity of Confalone, 1735


€ 100 - 200


€ 614

The price includes buyer's premium


Rome, Chamber Printing, 1735. In 4th. Figured chalcographic title page, rare blooms. Linked with & nbsp; Privilegia, facultates, et indulgentiae [...]. Rome, Ex typographia Rev. Cam. Apostolicae, 1765. Intaglio vignette on the title page, coeval parchment binding with handwritten title on the spine. § Ritual of the venerable archiconfraternity of the stigmata festivals of the father St. Francis of Rome. Rome, Stamperia del Bernabò, 1711. In 4 °. Woodcut vignette on the title page, woodcut friezes, slight marginal blooms, coeval parchment binding with handwritten title on the spine with 5 nerves, slight defects. § Together in the lot Statutes of the Ven. & Nbsp; Archiconfraternity of Death, & amp; Oratione. Rome, Rev. Cam. Apostolicae, 1700.